The Nancy Trapp TCTM Leadership Award is presented to a TCTM member who is nominated by a TCTM Affiliated Group. This person is to be honored for his/her contributions to the improvement of mathematics education at the local and state level. He/she has designed innovative staff development and has promoted the local TCTM Affiliated mathematics council.
Nominations due by November 30 each year
Call For Articles - Submit Through the Portal
Texas Mathematics Teacher seeks articles on issues of interest to mathematics educators, especially K-12 classroom teachers in Texas. All readers are encouraged to contribute articles. Manuscripts should adhere to the general publishing guidelines listed below. Deadline for submissions: Fall, July 1; Spring, January 1. Submissions may now be made by attaching your article to an e-mail sent to journal staff.
Call for Voices from the Classroom/Classroom Activities
Teachers are encouraged to submit articles for Voices From the Classroom, including inspirational stories, exemplary lessons, or management tools. Educators are encouraged to submit classroom activities or lessons for the journal. If submitting a lesson, it should include identification of the appropriate grade level and any prerequisites. These manuscripts are not peer reviewed, but are edited in-house and should adhere to the general publishing guidelines listed above. Deadline for submissions: Fall, July 1; Spring, January 1. Please contact our journal staff with your story and information.
Reviewers Needed
We have changed our review system to be more
user-friendly. Register to be an article reviewer at this link.
Call for Lone Star News
Announcements for the Lone Star News include, but are not limited to NCTM affiliated group announcements, announcements of upcoming professional meetings, and member updates. Please keep us and your members informed by contacting our journal and web staff with your affiliated group's updates.
Additional Calls
The Texas Mathematics Teacher seeks submissions for the following departments. All readers are encouraged to contribute. Please use our online submission portal.
Recommended Reading/Resources/Software/App
On the Cover
Puzzle Corner
Quotes for Thought
Any images submitted for On the Cover must be original to the author and include a half page description of the image. Puzzle Corner submissions should include the solution.
Call for Advertisements
For-Profit Organizations and businesses interested in placing an advertisement for mathematics materials should contact the journal staff. Advertisements do not imply endorsement by TCTM’s board, editorial staff or members. Deadline for submissions: Fall, August 1; Spring February 1. Our pricing structure is as follows:
(1 Issue)
(2 Issues*)
1/8 page
(text only)
Black and White
3.625"w x 2.3"h
1/4 page
Black and White
3.625"w x 4.875"h
1/8 Page
(1 image max)
Black and White
3.625"w x 2.3"h
1/2 Page
Black and White
7.5"w x 4.875"h
1/2 page
(back cover)
7.5"w x 4.875"h
Full page
Black and White
With Bleed: 9"w x 11.5"h
No Bleed: 7.5"w x 10"h
Full page
(back cover)
With Bleed: 9"w x 11.5"h
No Bleed: 7.5"w x 10"h
*Advertisers who pay for two issues have the option to use different images and/or text in the different issues. They may also specify whether they are purchasing advertising in two consecutive issues (e.g., Fall/Winter 2021 and Spring/Summer 2022) or two issues from the same time of year (e.g., Fall/Winter 2021 and Fall/Winter 2022). The time between the two issues should be no more than two years.
General Guidelines for Submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission compliance with each of the following items. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.
General Preparation Checklist
The manuscript has not been previously published and is not simultaneously being considered for publication elsewhere
The manuscript is in Microsoft Word format.
All graphics, tables, and figures should be embedded in the manuscript.
The manuscript follows the most current APA guidelines with in-text citations as well as references at the end of the article. When possible, DOIs should be utilized in the references.
The manuscript is double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font, with 1 inch margins on all sides.
The manuscript’s title page should include the title of the article/activity, author name, affiliation, mailing address, email address, phone number, and the intended target audience. No author names should appear on the manuscript after the title page.
The author should indicate whether his or her email address can be published with the article.
Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the editor/reviewers may make suggestions or revisions in consultation with the principal author. Receipts for all copyrighted materials must be received prior to publication.